Welcome to the protagonist soccer book club - Ex Libris Protagonist
Join us as we go through and add to our library of soccer books and soccer adjacent readings - we will occasionally be joined by experts or the authors themselves.
The first entry into the Protagonist Soccer Library is Ajax - The Dutch, The War: The Strange Tale of Soccer During Europe’s Darkest Hour by Simon Kuper.
Mr Kuper has graciously agreed to join us via Zoom or Google Hangout to discuss his book, the process of research and writing, and to answer any questions. We would like to share this experience with you, our followers, but we need to know how many to expect! The exact date is still TBD but as soon as we have it set, we will only share it with those who register.
DEADLINE to register is Friday, April 28th, 2023 - this page will be disabled at midnight (PST)