Notes from Media Day

NISA Media Day was yesterday and the league offered remote access for media members. NISA Vice President, Josh Prutch, opened the session, followed by members of LA Force, Chattanooga FC, and Detroit City FC. Dan Vaughn attended the session for Protagonist Soccer and these notes are what followed.

Josh Prutch, NISA EVP

His opening comments focused on looking forward to this week (Championship Week). Describes the year as challenging due to COVID. Excited to be having the game in Detroit “I don’t think there’s a place in our league like it.”

This week is providing an opportunity for the league members to meet in person for the first time since meeting in Nashville back in February 2020. “challenging or difficult decisions about the future” as well as opportunities over the next 6-12 months. The Equity and Diversity meeting will be on Friday. 

Josh described NISA Independent Cup as “his baby” and a big focus for him personally as it kicks off next week. When asked about creating a superstructure to “crown a independent cup champion,” he said there were no plans this year, but the idea was something “worth exploring” but will be decided on by the IC committee (3 NISA clubs and 1 amateur rep). The priority for the Independent Cup being beneficial for the clubs that participate, especially non-NISA clubs.

When asked about how successful a season Stumptown has had, laughed and said “pleasantly surprised,” highlighted the work of the front office. Noted that the league has made significant progress in finding a lead investor.

When asked about the LA Force/NAFC result due to lighting issues, Prutch noted that the decision to call the match was focused on player safety and done by the league’s operations standard. He did admit that  the league could have done better in communicating on the matter. Pointed out that COVID restrictions in California have been a real challenge for the west coast clubs all season.

Quick Comments

  • NISA Nation - Announcements coming soon

  • DCFC dominance -  It makes every team have to step up.

  • West Coast Expansion plans? League’s approach is to let the clubs make the announcements

LA Force

Coach Peterson talked about lessons from 3-0 loss to DCFC. Pointed out that rain played a factor. Felt like the club played well in the first half. Hope to keep a zero if they make the final.

Discussed his club’s adjustment after Chandler Hoffman went down. Was forced to solidify the back line. Added Alex Culwell and Christian Chaney. Hoffman has his leg brace off and is in good spirits. “He’s getting there.”

Christian Chaney – asked about his track record against CFC. - “Every time I’m on the field I have that confidence” and feel they are one of the better clubs in the league.

Coach Fuller and CFC players participate in the Media Day Zoom call. Photo credit: NISA

Coach Fuller and CFC players participate in the Media Day Zoom call. Photo credit: NISA

Chattanooga FC

Coach Fuller – Felt like CFC’s success in Legends Cup was due to playing very good teams in preseason. Playing at home in front of their fans. Believe they have the best fanbase in the league. CFC gave a Legend’s Cup performance they would be proud of. Losing to DCFC was devastating to the club and to the fans, and that there was a carryover into the spring season. “I think we struggled to find a rhythm.” The team tried implementing another type of system during their three-week break in the season. Had some injuries. “I think we’re here because we belong here.”

When asked about what adjustments CFC will make against LA Force, Coach Fuller highlighted the strengths of their opponent. “They present problems that nobody else in the league presents.” Chaney was a great pickup. They’re a difficult matchup. Is approaching this match focused on trying to “make LA play defense more. It’s a challenge we accept.”

Richard Dixon - Trying to keep focused on finally coming together as a group (injuries, suspension) and having a chance to get another shot at LA Force. When asked if he had any concerns about carrying over the struggles of the regular season, “we now have everything to play for. All the focus is on the game for tomorrow.” Replied “yes and no” on whether locking up the spring championship spot disrupted focus this season. 

Detroit City FC

Detroit City’s session involved more action from other media than any other session today, with multiple DCFC-focused media members asking questions.

Coach James, when asked about his club’s sustained run this season, “we play the game with some pressure because we know how much the club means to people. It was tough at times, but we still have to play one more game...The team has set the standard they don’t want to fall below.”

Coach James, when asked about the potential loss of players to higher leagues, “It’s Important to develop players. I would love to see the players move on and do well. It means we’re doing something well.”

Maxi Rodriguez, on fitting in right away, “It’s great. Never felt like the new guys – been very welcoming.”

Nate Steinwascher, on being so sharp for such a long stretch, “It’s the energy from the team” that he feeds off of. Highlighted that the guys in front of him make the work easy.

The team, when asked about which team they’d prefer to play, “As long as we focus on ourselves, it doesn’t matter who we play.”

Matt Lewis, when asked to describe Steve Carroll as a backline partner? They have a good friendship on and off the field. and an understanding of each other. Super confident in his ability and decision making.

Connor Rutz, on moving from attacking player to midfielder, “Wherever the coach needs me”

Roddy Green, on the mood and emotional feel of the team right now, “the veterans on this team set the tone.” We’re always focused on the next match and ready to go.

The team, when asked what’s been the coolest things about playing in front of crowd again, they love when the fans are there. Loves that the fans get into the heads of the opposing teams. Though the team did mention that smoke sometimes dries out their contacts.

These notes are not verbatim or complete, just highlights from the hour and a half session.