UWS Semifinal Recap

The first semifinal game in the 2021 UWS National Championship Tournament started at 6:00 PM CT in Round Rock, Texas, on a clear day. Midwest United and Connecticut Fusion, one undefeated and the other the third seed in their conference’s playoffs, met and within 7 minutes, already saw the game’s first chance.Chanel Johnson with Connecticut Fusion tried to chip goalkeeper Belle Okoraofo but the shot went high. Less than 5 minutes later, Midwest United grabbed a loose ball in the midfield and logged a chance of their own. The rest of the half was more or less back and forth.

After halftime, less than 5 minutes after both teams returned to the field for a second half kickoff, Connecticut Fusion brought in two substitutes, one of which--Chloe Landers--would prove to be integral to securing the match for her team. More on that later.

Not long after that substitution, CT Fusion’s Emma Zaccagnini tugged a Midwest United player’s jersey, stopping their advance (hey, it’s a legitimate strategy, just ask Emily Sonnett!) earning herself a yellow card and her team just enough wiggle room to throw off Midwest United’s block and give Tori Sousa (our player to watch for this match) just enough space to score the cheekiest of golazos from just outside the box. This was Tori’s 23rd career goal for CT Fusion, and her 7th goal of the season.

Not 5 minutes later, after a nice cut back, Sousa again showed up for her team, delivering a clean back post shot that Chloe Landers--less than 10 minutes into her playtime for the night--easily placed into the box. As said previously, that one touch into the box by Landers would ensure her team’s victory when, in the 95th minute, Avery Lockwood of Midwest United scored her team a goal. The goal came too late to change the Michigan team’s morale and energize them to an equalizer, but at least they came away with a piece of the extremely dominant CT Fusion.

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Overall, both sides showed up today ready to give it their all at the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex. Amazing efforts by team and coaches alike, and also, we would be amiss if we didn’t give another compliment to UWS for the exemplary production. Not only was the venue ideal for a semifinal showdown, but the camera work, commentary, and sound production was also incredible.

CT Fusion will be facing the winner of the second semifinal match on Sunday at 11AM CT. To watch the final, visit the league’s streaming platform.

Tomorrow, as a side event, UWS team FC Austin Elite will be taking on the UWS All-Stars. To watch that match, click here. Kick off for that game is at 7:30 PM CT.

  • Lis Schendel